Saturday, October 23, 2010


The world must be really going to hell on a sled.. Sheesh.....

Lately, whenever I turn on the televison, listen to news, or even read the papers, I'm bombarded with the sorry state our society is in.. Killings, abuse, tragedy.. The world is full of them, so I hear.. It's truly sad and disturbing.. Even the governments of the supposedly civilized world we're in have also been subjected to intrigues and ridicule, and so has been the church where we rely for spiritual guidance and enlightenment..

For this I can't blame cause- oriented groups for demanding justice and order, expressing what they want through different media: the internet, periodicals, movies, music.. Some of them resort to the old- fashion way: rallies.. This is what has bothered me since I was a teen..

The Philippines, being a democratic country, has its share of groups marching down the streets expecting government officials to hear and heed what they say.. Our country has been famous for our bloodless revolution in 1986: the EDSA People Power.. Since that time, Filipino organizations showed more boldness in expressing what they think, using their united voices to demand what they think they should be getting.. We are, yes we are, entitled to freedom of expression, and there are times that we use this to get what we think we deserve from our government..

I completely agree; we need to say what we have in mind.. It also is what's at heart of a free country.. But don't you think that this right we have to express ourselves has already been abused? Time and again, our government has been exposed to unflattering issues that has tarnished the trust we have in our system.. I understand that but what I don't understand is that for even the smallest stuff, like an irresponsible commuter getting involved in an accident, or even the increase in the prices of global commodites such as oil in which our government has no control of, some people go to the streets and scream their demands? Isn't that a bit too much? Shouldn't we, the citizens, who are the foundation of our sovereignty, just work with each other in building a better community and therefore a more organized country?

Take the garbage collection system for example.. Yes, the government should set up a clear system in the collection, that's a given.. But wouldn't you agree that disposal and segregation of our wastes should start at home? And then our local government unit, the barangay system, should set up a recycling and compost- making center in each community to lessen the burden on our national government and in the end lessen the terrible effects in nature and therefore saving ourselves from the effects of natural calamities like typhoons and floods? Wouldn't that be a better matter to expend our energy on, to devote our time and efforts to, instead of rallying up our fellowmen, saying things that would stir up negative emotions and going to the streets shouting demands after suffering from floods or rains?

Working together is the key.. Not adding fuel to the fire.. It's better to look for a solution to each problem rather than pointing fingers as to who's to blame.. I heard a saying once from my sophomore year adviser: United we stand, divided we fall.. I agree wholeheartedly, don't you?

Welcome Home

When I wake up in the morning, I thank God for another day in my life and for all the blessings I have received so far.. I then keep my beddings and tidy up my bed only to see my brother all bunched- up in pillows and blankets on his side of the bed cushion..I usually help my mom in the morning: fetch water for the plants in our roof garden and the flowers in the front yard.. Sometimes I prepare the breakfast so that my dad and brother can eat before going to work and school respectively.. And so my day starts........

Being a bum can become quite a bore, believe me.. Yeah, I get to help my folks here and all that but everything seems so... ho- hum.. So to make my life a bit more fun, I go online and make friends.. I go to learn new stuff as well.. I searched for stuff to do and look at the treasure I found: TA- DA! Ain't I a lucky one?!?!?! (big smiles) Let me take you to a small tour around our home..

Our first stop is the forum index where the road map to our wonderful house is.. Here we have the shoutbox where you will find some of my brothers and sisters bonding with each other.. Talk shop, tease each other, and guide visitors and new family members inside our home.. Our receiving area gives you an overview on what fun and interesting stuff you can find inside our humble house and be overwhelmed with the endless possibilities that await you inside..

Next, we go to where our house rules are.. As with every other homes, we have regulations to live by so we can co- exist harmoniously and so that we won't just be a rowdy set of people.. We are a civilized bunch after all and so we have our laws.. Aside from the house rules, you'll also find formal introductions and where we welcome our greenhorns.. And to keep things fun and exciting, we offer contests and games where great prizes are at stake.. Being democratic, we accept feedback and suggestions, even constructive criticism from everyone and anyone..

We now go to where most of my brothers and sisters spend their time whenever they're in.. We are in the age of breaking technology and that's actually one of the reasons our home was built.. We take pride in our mobile area cause you see, many members of our family are sorta experts in these things so we have a special room for them.. Most of them are very helpful, and so aside from teaching us mere mortals and dummies about mobile tricks and all, they've also got an area here where anyone can state what their problems are and poof! In short order, the experts will come flying in and help save the day..

Of course, we have a place for computers too.. We know, we know.. These seemingly innocent boxes started it all.. My brothers and sisters being geniuses and all in this field as well, we have a place specially for them.. Presenting our pc zone: here you can learn new tricks, new programs that fit your techy needs, and learn things to really personalize PCs.. Now, everybody will always encounter problems with these things but feel free to ask.. The pros will gladly lend a hand..

What's life without a little fun, right? In our home we value fun so much that we're also willing to help those game junkies.. Don't worry about where to get the latest games or applications for your gaming consoles.. We've got it all here. We also encourage artistic talents, bookworms, musicians, and movie afficionados.. We love to share it all so feel free to enter our multimedia zone.. For those who like downloads, we also share some useful stuff with them..

In keeping up with the latest in news, politics, government, religion, and all other topics under the sun, we have our lounge.. In keeping our relationship healthy and full of growth, we encourage everyone to participate in discussions, respect their opinion, and correct misunderstandings if necessary.. Just to pass time, we play.. Oh, we are all children at heart so fun and games are highly recommended..

Now that's our home in general.. Simple yet very interesting, helpful but not boring.. My online home is open and free for all.. It's been a part of my life ever since, and it will always be.. So whenever I log in, it's as if someone is saying, "welcome home"..

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Broken Pearls

there is something wrong.. i'm supposed to be over it now but... how do i say this.. i guess, i'm still hoping for something.. that tiny little spark has not died of its own accord.. it still hasn't died, even now.. it hurts so  much.. so much that i wish i was numb, so i can't feel the pain.. it's difficult, really difficult living with these feelings.. i'm choking with it..

here come the tears.. i fought and lost.. they are falling, one by one, drop by drop.. like pearls.. to be part of the sea..  pieces of me, lost.. gone forever.. they've become part of the air i breathe.. i will not get them back..

once again my soul is wounded, broken.. i've gone through this countless times.. my heart, battle- scarred.. i am weary, tired from everything i have to deal with.. my mind is blank, my soul empty.. shattered to pieces.. no refuge.. never to be whole again..

Monday, October 18, 2010

Of Techies and Sanctuaries

I readily admit: I'm just new to the things people can do online.. Sure, I know how to chat and email, I have a facebook account, had a friendster account once upon a time too.. But all these are new to me.. A few months back, I was looking for something fun to do online.. I remember the MIRC chatting community I've been in way back in high school but the "in" thing these days is joining an online community.. Yet facebook had become quite old for me, so routine and even farmville had lost its appeal.. Now the yahoo chatrooms are there, yeah, but the only people I get to talk to are ermm, for lack of a better term, pervies! Until I remembered I joined an online Filipino community called Pinoy Exchange.. I browsed through it and I saw this interesting thread there inviting people to join an online "tambayan".. That's what brought me to UNLIMITEDZONE.ORG.

I repeat, I'm new to online stuff and I only know the basics.. I just browsed through the site and I liked what I saw.. I fell in love with the background, black being my favorite color.. I just found the site cool and user friendly, even to dummies like me.. The members are very nice and you feel that you're warmly welcomed.. Later on I found the LOUNGE and found so many interesting topics.. Here we share our opinion and anything we have in mind about the certain topic they started and regardless of differences we get to be friendly with each other..

I started becoming an active member..From then on UZ had become a part of my daily routine.. The CHATBOX is there so that members can interact with each other and talk shop.. Tech geeks can have their fill of updates on the latest technology and tricks through our MOBILE ZONE, HANDHELD GAMES ZONE, and PC ZONE.. But what I'm most proud of with being a member of this site is its aim to help others and its very wholesome nature of fun and enjoyment.. The site promotes respect for others, teamwork, and even encourages artistic talents, among others.. 

Like everything else around us, the site also has flaws and issues but hey, what're all of those compared to the good stuff it has, right?

All in all, UNLIMITEDZONE.ORG has become my sanctuary in the truest sense of the word.. It offers everything to look for in a community.. You share, you learn, you laugh.. Kudos to the brilliant minds behind the site.. Keep it up!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Population Control or Population Management?

It's been a subject of debate.. It's been the center of attention of the state and of the church. It's been under the scrutiny of hundreds of mediamen and all kinds of experts. But what really is the Reproductive Health Bill? What does it include? Does it mean improvement for the country as a whole? Or is it just what the church say: a promotion of promiscuity for our youth and going against the Natural Moral Law? Ultimately, what does it mean to the people directly affected by this bill?

A large portion of the Philippine population consists of Roman Catholics and the way most people reacted to the bill is quite predictable. The church cannot be blamed for promoting a "pro- life" policy. I, too, for one, am against abortion and the killing of innocent lives. Initially, I was startled that our legislators would think of legalizing such things. For the sake of a healthy debate, I decided to read the basic proponents of the new law so I know what I'm talking about.

I am not an expert on the law and the constitution and I can't understand most of the jargon. Upon reading the guiding principles and the highlights of the bill, what I understood was that this law does not mandate that a couple use a certain form of contraception. In fact, as per what I understand, under this law a couple will only be educated on the different types of contraception. They still have the freewill to decide whether to use the natural or artificial forms of family planning. This law does not legalize abortion as far as I have read. I understand there are medical experts that will say that some artificial forms of contraception are abortifacient and is not that effective. The same can be said for the natural forms, so where are couples who want to plan their family size to go? The RH bill only indicates that the government, through its different channels, should exert more effort to educate the people on family planning.

With regards to the Mandatory Age-Appropriate Reproductive Health Education section of the bill, I completely agree that our education system should also be used for this endeavor. Proper education dispels our children's curiosity and it's totally alright if our teachers are trained to educate our youth about sex, its consequences, and all related topics. I believe this will decrease the number of teen pregnancies and consequently, abortion.

The bill only urges people to become responsible parents. Sure, it can also be a means to control the Philippines' booming population. I understand the church's doctrine is to "go forth and mulitply," but isn't it a bigger sin to bear a child only to give it suffering and anguish because it has not been planned and a person has no means to give the child a safe environment and all its needs?

The Reproductive Health Bill only aims to inform the people and increase awareness on the different ways to become responsible parents by planning the family size according to the family's resources, and to let people know how to take care of their reproductive health. It does not inhibit the bearing of an offspring. It only promotes knowledge and proper education. I salute the authors of this new law. Come to think of it, we don't really need a law for this. As responsible people we should take initiative to inform ourselves and give our families the good life we wish for them.