Monday, June 11, 2012

Foot At the Door

foot at the door
waiting for you
call me back
tell me, "Stay"

moving forward
moving on
away from you
far from this

looking back, reminiscing
love so true, all for you
happy times, i miss them
i miss US, long gone

foot at the door
waiting for you
your voice, your touch
ask me, "Stay"

start anew, chin up
walk away, head high
do what i have to
move away from you

years we shared, i remember
tears i shed, for what it used to be
this is the last, please
let me move far away

foot at the door
waiting for you
to stop me
make me stay

my foot at the door
one step more
i'll be gone, won't look back
will you let me?
will you stop me?

silence from you, not a word
foot at the door
no looking back, no reprieve
foot forward, then the other
walk away now, don't look back
give up, walk away

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Wishes and Prayers

one should never say' "i wish"
for wishes never come true
one should always say, "i pray"
for with prayers, one can move mountains
throughout my heartaches
through all my pain
with my every teardrop
i often wished
and seldom prayed

with that said
i now realize my faults
i wished that you were my missing half
that we were soulmates
i wished that we would last
beyond eternity
i wished we would be together
even in the afterlife
i wished forever with you
but look at us now

i pray for your happiness
i pray for your peace of mind
know that you'll always have a part of me
the part i know i can live without
i WILL be whole without you
for that is what i prayed for
and prayers are ALWAYS answered


love God above all
love others as you love yourself..

i have a lot of love to give
i give them to my family, my friends, my pets, and my stuff
i give my love unconditionally and without expectations
if you love me back, i 'll love you more
if you hurt me, then it's karma for you
my love is not measured by how often i talk to you
nor is it seen in the material things i share
i express love in small ways;
i think of the people i love
i worry about them
i pray for them
i love wholeheartedly
and it comes from the soul

Brand of Cheating

in light of everything that has happened, i have this overwhelming urge to spill my guts and air my side of the story.. so here it goes....

let me start by saying that I HAVE NEVER CLAIMED TO BE PERFECT OR ANYTHING EVEN REMOTELY RELATED, nor have any of my friends, as far as I know.. yes, most of the time, I am loud, opinionated (have always been); i get my nose stuck in issues that are of relatively low relevance to me and where i'm not even involved.. i am tactless, i seldom think before i talk, my mouth and emotions get the better of me, i even admit that i'm bitchy.. BUT I CAN TRUTHFULLY SAY THAT I HAVE NOT CLAIMED TO BE THE IDEAL PERSON.. therefore, it's not my fault if anybody gets intimidated by my presence, the way i behave, or if they get offended by my humor, or anything as much.. i'm just being ME, no more no less.. i work hard to get to where i am, to achieve my goals.. I APOLOGIZE IF NECESSARY.. i don't use others, nor take advantage of their kindness.. i accept help, cause i know i can't do everything on my own but I HAVE NEVER BEEN A PARASITE.. i try to do things on my own and compare my work to see if i've understood everything correctly.. being human, there are days when my laziness gets the better of me, but I HAVE NEVER MADE IT A HABIT TO RELY ON OTHERS TO DO ALL THE HARDWORK FOR ME AND THEN CLAIM THEIR WORK AS MINE.. if i learn something new, i enthusiastically share it with everyone i know.. eversince i've started going to school, i've always been generous with my knowledge.. i don't care if i get acknowledged or not, i'm happy knowing others learned through me.. if i correct my friends, it's not my intent to embarrass.. all i want is for them not to commit the same mistake twice, especially in front of strangers though sometimes the intent doesn't get through and everything gets misinterpreted..

cheating is generally bad but we must all accept that it happens..  i do my share, i review, i study, and prepare myself as much as i can but everyone's brain has limits.. I ASK FOR CLUES DURING EXAMS, yes BUT I DO NOT OPEN MY BOOK, MY NOTEBOOK, WRITE THE ANSWER/ GUIDE ON MY PALM OR ON ANOTHER SHEET OF PAPER.. if i can't answer the questions anymore, i simply pass my answer sheet and leave it there.. i do not ask as much as i can and i don't make it a HABIT..

we've already tolerated too much.. it's not fair that we work hard and YOU DON'T, but we all pass.. do not wash the guilt off your hands.. if you get caught, then face the consequences of your actions.. do not try to alienate the people who are only trying to survive without stepping on others simply because they got tired of your brand of cheating..

i've said my piece.. this is it..